Financing carbon removal should be part of your holistic corporate climate strategy. After calculating your carbon footprint, you can purchase carbon credits from projects that prevent or remove an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. This process helps balance out emissions and supports your net-zero emissions goal.
Carbon offsetting is a mechanism used to compensate for corporate or individual carbon footprints through the purchase of carbon credits issued by accreditation standards to projects that remove GHG emissions from the atmosphere or avoid generating the emissions in the first place. Each credit is equal to one ton of CO2e that has not been emitted, often expressed as tCO2e. Once purchased, the credit is then retired through an internationally recognized and publicly viewable registry.
Financing carbon removal represents a crucial strategy in the global effort to combat climate change. By investing in our nature-based carbon sequestration projects and compensating for unavoidable emissions—such as those from business travel or logistics—you support concrete climate protection initiatives. By purchasing carbon credits from our international, nature-based projects, you not only mitigate emissions but also promote biodiversity, support local economies, and improve the livelihoods of the communities involved.